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About us

The NewsOrgOnMastodon system of Mastodon accounts aims to deliver news and media organizations’ presence to Mastodon ( by syncing their content to Mastodon from their official platforms such as RSS Feeds, thus serving as an unofficial Mastodon relay-bot of that news/media organization. This system has no legal nor genuine organizational links and are linked unofficially to this system of Mastodon accounts.

The NewsOrgOnMastodon system of Mastodon accounts are headed by:
TheDoggyBrad Software Labs


We have no connection to the news/mediaborganizations listed below. We just fetch their public RSS Feed and let Mastofeed publish it to the respective Mastodon accounts.


Thanks for Mastofeed for providing the service that sends the actual news from the RSS Feeds of various news organizations as a post to Mastodon.

Connected News Organizations

Here are the following organizations that we have connected to the NewsOrgOnMastodon system of Mastodon accounts.

Category : Philippine Media

GMA Integrated News
Manila Bulletin
Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
PhilStar Global